Pretty Much Anything That Appeals To Me Visually.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009



Source: Deer Dana


Anonymous said...

Hi Nico,

I'm from a word of mouth marketing company called Matchstick and I’m currently working on the launch of L'Oreal Paris Double Extend Beauty Tubes. I am contacting fashionable and hip female bloggers across Canada, hoping to involve them in this launch. I read through your blog and found that you would be a good fit for this program and was wondering if you might be interested. Send me an email if you are: danah [at] matchstick [dot] ca

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha you would. Buy one. That would be funny next time he dj's you better go and wear it

Nico. said...

I would wear it to one of his sets. Or to a frankpollis show. for laughs. Hey it would strike up a conversation.

Anonymous said...

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I am not sure bout how correct the data given there iz. If some guys over here who have experience with these things can have a peak and give your feedback in the site it would be great and I would extremely appreciate it, cause I really love [URL=]solar panel construction[/URL].

Thanks for reading this. You guys are the best.